Recs: Books & Podcasts on Food & Health

Hi! I’m Johanna, and I’m a super crunchy wife and mom of 2 . . . let me tell you why . . . I spent many years experiencing the following:

  • Anemia, especially during pregnancy

  • Extremely low vitamin D

  • Ezcema that would flare up horribly in the summer and keep me up at night

  • The beginning signs of psoriasis

  • Very painful periods — extreme cramping, vomiting, etc.

In 2021, I was pregnant with my second child, so I decided to begin exploring how to make sure I had an adequate milk supply postpartum (because I didn’t have a great nursing experience with my first child). Very soon into my research, I jumped down a really deep rabbit hole where I discovered a whole new world of health, real food, and natural healing.

After making many food and lifestyle changes:

  • My anemia went away completely (proved by blood work)

  • My vitamin D levels were normal for the first time in 10 years

  • My eczema and psoriasis DISAPPEARED completely

  • My periods suddenly become completely painless—literally ZERO discomfort anymore

  • I experienced a fast and nearly pain-free recovery after my natural birth with my daughter

I also exclusively nursed my daughter for almost nine months—never once having to supplement. Other gains included steady energy throughout the day (despite raising two very small children), better sleep, and a really strong immune system for me and my kids.

These results were more than enough to make me “switch sides.” I was, almost overnight, the crunchiest mom on the block . . . and proud of it because my health had never been better.

So what are some of the changes I made? Here’s a long list:

  • Cut out seed oils from our diet (canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, etc.). Noting entered my house that was made with seed oils.

  • Replaced seed oils with animal fats (butter, lard, tallow, etc.) and fruit oils (avocado, coconut, and olive)

  • Emphasized animal foods because they are the most nutrient-dense foods and our bodies NEED them. Lots of eggs, meat, dairy, etc.

  • Switched most of our dairy products to unpasteurized versions (raw milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.)

  • Incorporated organ meats into our diet (I believe this to be the key to solving my anemia)

  • Filtered our water with a Berkey system

  • Regularly consumed homemade bone broth, and other forms of collagen and gelatin

  • Switched to organic produce and as much grass fed, bone-in meat as possible (you can’t make bone broth without bones!)

  • Stopped counting calories and instead learned to listen to my body and feed it what it needs (which is often more than the typical 1,200 calories we’re told to consume when we want to lose weight. IMO, if you’re eating REAL food that is nutrient dense, there’s no need to count calories)

  • Upped my protein intake dramatically (I now aim for 100-120 grams per day)

  • Swore off hormonal birth control

  • Got rid of ALL of my home cleaning products and began to clean with either vinegar (for disinfecting) or a 1:4 solution of Castile soap and water (for everything else)

  • Switched to an all natural detergent for laundry (goodbye Tide, hello Nellies)

  • Switched all of my hygiene products (shampoo, lotion, face moisturizer, hand soap, body soap, etc.) and makeup to all natural, no fragrance, 100% non-toxic versions

  • Threw away anything with artificial fragrances (candles, lotions, soaps, etc.)

I share all of this because I hope that someone out there—who is also experiencing health challenges—will see this and be inspired to do their own research. To learn more about environmental toxins, real food and our bodies, and get excited about healing.

Below are a list of some of my favorite podcasts and books to help you along the way. I hope they serve you well.


  • The Homegrown Podcast

  • The Doctor’s Farmacy

  • Simple Farmhouse Life

  • Just Ingredients

  • Wise Traditions

  • Paul Saladino MD Podcast

  • Freely Rooted Podcast

  • Are You Menstrual?


  • Nourishing Traditions & The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care, Sally Fallon

  • Nourished Beginnings Baby Food, Renee Kohley

  • Eat Dirt, Dr. Josh Axe

  • The Auto-Immune Solution, Dr. Amy Meyers

  • The Raw Milk Revolution, David Gumpert

  • Real Food for Pregnancy (and I should add, conceiving), Lily Nichols

  • Food Fix, Dr. Mark Hyman

  • Beyond the Pill, Jolene Brighten


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